A filmmaker, Homer, records his young son, Matt, telling an imaginative story to his two younger sisters, Lisa and Maggie. Records the spontaneous tale with all the interruptions, comments and reactions of the sister.
Can you name the celebrity in this film?
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January 24, 2006 Subject:
Pretty much the only cute thing about this heavily experimental film is that, yes, Matt Groening and his sisters Maggie and Lisa (!!) are in it, in a film directred, yes, by Homer! Other then that, you¡¯re on your own kiddies, as this film is somewhat slow, with a story that really isn¡¯t all that interesting (something about Animals and Nature). But still, this is one hell of a interesting curio. Matt was a cute kid!
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September 9, 2005 Subject:
BART ryhmes with FART
At first I thought this film just sucked really bad. Then I read the description and some of the reviews. So this young boy is Matt Groening (who went on to create the Simpsons)? There are a few clues here that indicate that but I am left feeling a bit skeptical about it all. Anyhow I remember making a similair audio tape with my sister when we were kids.
Reviewer:Rob in NJ
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March 31, 2005 Subject:
Pretty good...
but not as good as The Simpsons.
Reviewer:Wilford B. Wolf
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March 21, 2005 Subject:
áAye Carumba!
This is the sort of film that I love finding here on the site. A young boy, Matt, tells his baby sister Maggie a bedtime story about Matt and Lisa as they met various animals through a walk in the forest. This is clearly a spontaneous story composed by the young boy, but it has a flash of the humor and keen observation that would mark his later work. His father, Homer, then takes the story and matches it to shots of the kids in the forest in the fall and animals at the zoo. I think this was shot during their time in Portland, OR because of the inclusion of a "geoduck" (pronounced gooey-duck), here playful represented by a reflection of a duck on water, but in reality a phallic looking mollusk native to the Pacific Northwest. The story is charmingly funny and the fact that the narrator would go on to become famous for other things makes this film that much more interesting.